
What I remember most about him (in addition to his skill as, really, the dean of the group of commodities analysts) were his easily noted personal qualities — simply a quiet, dignified, courtly individual.  In a world sorely lacking these traits, I can sincerely say it was always a pleasure interacting with Sal.

Mike Bless CEO, Century Aluminum

I was a client of Sal. I often called Sal for help. He was smart, he was hardworking, and he was a gentleman. I knew Sal would have the answers I needed, or if he didn't have the answers, he would get them. I trusted Sal because he always put his client's interest first.

James A. Brown J. P. Morgan Asset Management

In all my dealings with Sal, I can truly say that Sal is as genuine, kind, and thoughtful as one human can be. Sal was respected by everyone. Be it a phone conversation, business roundtable lunch, or at a GS conference, Sal was engaging, educating, and of course, always smiling! He wanted to learn more about the steel products which we represented and was sure to ask the tough questions to get the most accurate information. Sal was the consummate professional. We were all lucky to have Sal as a part of our lives. "The world would be a better place with more Sal Tharani in it."

Mike Hancock International Triad Metals, GM Plate Products

Leadership, Charisma, Empathy, Model of Confidence, Friend in deed! Sal, Sohail Jaffer - by whichever name you know, this wonderful person was all of the above. There are many more quality adjectives that will fit him "like a glove"! And I can keep on going, but I won't. I got to know Sohail when I was in my 11th grade. He was very well known at the college, as he had secured first position in 10th grade among multiple thousands of candidates. With photographic memory, and so much grey matter, Sohail was always a down-to-earth person, unassuming to the extreme. He would find time to do so many things as if his day was a day longer than everyone of us. Studious but not a nerd, helping community with service, student activities, you name it, and he was doing it. There was a big group of us that went to engineering school doing mechanical engineering. We were decent and bright students too btw, but will get stuck on some topics; we would set those topics aside for Sohail to join the group - typically in the last week / 10 days before the finals start. Once he starts studying with us, all of those concepts would somehow become very clear as he would explain the concept to us... A genius that Sohail was. A great person, very sincere friend, and a brother to all of us . . . he is very dearly missed!

Waseem Ahmed

From the very first time we met, and through his entire career, I knew him to be one of the most gracious and giving people I had ever met. Even after I left the equity investment space, he would always reach out whenever his travels brought him to Minnesota, and frequently made time to catch up with me when I would be in New York City. He always put people and relationship first, which is a rare quality for those in his position on Wall Street. We kept in touch even after he left Goldman, and his positive attitude and optimism continued to be contagious, right through his illness. I’ll never forget the impact he had on my life, and I consider him a shining example of how to “pay it forward” and always help others, regardless of the personal benefit. He is greatly missed...

Timothy Stevenson Client

I first met Sal back in the year 2000 when he had been brought in to temporarily support the Latin American metals and mining team at Goldman Sachs. He soon distinguished himself and was given a full-time position, eventually moving to the US research where he helped cover the US Steel sector. Sal became known for his hard work, his affable disposition, and having a keen sense of judgement that really made him unique and drew other to him. In little time he was promoted to the role of lead US Steel analyst at the Firm. From my standpoint, as the covering analyst for US Autos at the time, I had many opportunities to work with Sal and these are some of the most cherished experiences from my time at GS. From analyzing the impact of steel surcharges on vehicle demand, to the impact of Ford's move to aluminum for pickup trucks, Sal was just an incredible partner to have.

Patrick Archambault VP, Finance Quanergy Systems Inc

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